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Telecordia GR-468-CORE for optoelectronic systems

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Telecordia GR-468-CORE for optoelectronic systems

February 03, 2025

Telecordia GR-468-CORE for optoelectronic systems

Is test 5.20 thermal cycling or thermal shock? 5.20 states: The procedure should agree with Method 1010 of MIL-STD 883C, with a minimum temperature ramp rate of 10°C/min.", which makes it sound like a chamber capable of only 10°C/min. is required.

"3.1 Timing. The total transfer time from hot to cold or from cold to hot shall not exceed one minute. The load may be transferred when the worst case load temperature is within the limits specified in table I. However, the dwell time shall not be less than 10 minutes and the load shall reach the specified temperature within 15 minutes." (Mil-Std 883 method 1010.7)

Either way you read the test, the Thermal Shock Chambers is still your best choice for doing this test with the smallest chamber and least resources required.


Paragraph Title Description Benchtop Models Reach-in Models Other Models
4.3.2 Reliability Thermal Shock Test Liquid thermal shock, 0 to 100°C, per Mil-Std 883, method 1011     Liquid-to-liquid Thermal Shock Chamber
4.4.3 181.1 Screening -40 to 70°C (or 85°C), 20 cycles thermal shock test chambers Various Faster Temperature Cycling Chambers models for 10°C/min. Thermal Shock Chamber or TCT series
4.4.3 181.2 Screening 70°C or 85°C for 96 hours Any benchtop or ovens Any quality temperature/humidity chambers or Faster Temperature Cycling Chambers  
5.18 Accelerated Aging 70°C or 85°C for 2,000 hours
(optional 5,000 hours)
Any benchtop or ovens Any quality temperature/humidity chambers or Faster Temperature Cycling Chambers   
5.20 Temperature cycling -40 to 70°C (or 85°C)
per Mil-Std 883, method 1010
100 to 1,000 cycles
thermal shock test chambers Various Faster Temperature Cycling Chambers models for 10°C/min. Thermal Shock Cham or TCT series
5.21 Damp Heat 85°C / 85%RH for 1,000 hours
or 50°C / 85%RH for 3,500 hours
TH series Any quality temperature/humidity chambers  
5.2.3 Cyclic Moisture Resistance 25 to 75°C cycling with 85-95%RH. One -40°C cycle per 5 sub-cycles
Mil-Std 883, method 1004
Temp/Humidity Benchtop Any quality temperature/humidity chambers or Faster Temperature Cycling Chambers

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